Uplevel the Ordinary

Welcome to Cool Change Podcast.

Welcome to Cool Change Podcast. Here you will find stories of people who have navigated life change. Not perfectly, and usually not easily. But through their stories we can find ourselves and begin to re-imagine our own next chapter differently.

Chuck Allen Chuck Allen

Kevin Mobley: The Profound Artistry of the Side Hustle (#3)

Have you ever thought about or taken on a side hustle? Something to make some money or pursue a passion in addition to your "day job?"

Listen to how Side Hustle Extraordinaire Kevin Mobley manages to live his life in interesting places and run two businesses in addition to his main gig, and how he came to the decision to leave the corporate life to live more on his own terms.

Learn more about his Mac and Cheese and Mask Business.

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Chuck Allen Chuck Allen

Bob Sima and Shannon Plummer: From Managers to Musicians (#2)

He was a successful corporate professional and she was a counter-terrorism expert for the U.S. federal government. Now, they travel the continent sharing their music, healing, and love with thousands of followers.

Hear the unlikely story of how two dreamers left the security and prestige of their former lives and became musicians, healers, and lifetime lovers.

Learn more about Bob and Shannon at www.wherethelightgetsin.us

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Chuck Allen Chuck Allen

Joey Reiman: A Life on Purpose (#1)

Our guest today is known globally as one of the foremost thought leaders of our time. Fast Company called him one of the top 100 people who will change the way the world thinks. Joey Reiman is a best selling author, filmmaker, TED speaker, playwright, businessman, philosopher, and professor at Emory University’s renowned Goizueta Business School.

He’s also one of the coolest people you will ever meet.

Be prepared to take notes on this one. Listen in on our conversation as Joey talks about everything from near death experiences, to a brush with royalty, to starting a company, to the coolest thing he’s ever done.

Recorded at his home in Atlanta, Georgia.

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Chuck Allen Chuck Allen


Host Chuck Allen explains why it’s time we consider making a cool change, and how this podcast can help.

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